I don't have a wife. Can I rate somebody elses?
New Worldly Translation
JoinedPosts by New Worldly Translation
Rate Your Wife!
by Golf inprov.
18:22 reads in part, "has one found a good wife?
one has found a good thing,..." .
by tijkmo inits pronounced tij-ka-mo.....its not a real word..its an acronym that my best pal and i came up with that just summed up certain occasions...before he stopped speaking to me(horrible story-tell u later)...anyways can you come up with a suitable phrase using those letters before i tell you what it really stands for....t.i.j.k.m.o
New Worldly Translation
The Insane Jam Knitting Machine Organisation
Trust In Jesus Killing More Opposers
christian words or expressions you will never hear a jdub say
by in a new york bethel minute in.
gospel, grace, born again, the lord, saints, virgin mary... any more?.
New Worldly Translation
Good choice Bagpuss
If You Had A Choice To Live In ANY Country, Where Would You Choose & Why?
by minimus ini love the united states of america!
it has freedoms that most countries do not have.
it has variety.
New Worldly Translation
New Zealand. Excellent place, beautiful country & friendly people.
MY PEOPLE!!!!!!!
by JohnnyMarr ini just wanted to say hello to everyone.
i'm an inactive, spiritually weak witness of not so good standing who stumbled on here the other day while trying to find out what tomorrows big announcement was going to be, after being told my mother that i might wanna go to the hall on sunday to find out.
it's cool seeing so many people who have shared some of the same experiences i have in the past.
New Worldly Translation
Hi JohnnyMarr!
Welcome to the board
I think to brighten up the memorial they should do it like pass the parcel. They play music and you pass the bread and wine around and then if the music stops when you have hold of it you can partake and be annointed. Of course this would mean the annointed would change every year but hey it's all based on a pagan ritual anyway so it's all a bit of a game anyhoo.
From Dante's Inferno To Jehovah's Jacuzzi:
by Englishman inon which level of hell will you finish up?.
oh, btw, the jehovah's jacuzzi thing was intentionally misleading.
New Worldly Translation
Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis
You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell.Sounds great! The perfect heretic holiday resort.
Bruce Willis is a big baby
by New Worldly Translation in.
what a retard, he obviously takes himself far too seriously -.
New Worldly Translation
why do you people hate America so? :-( :-(
Haha, no I don't hate America. I just thought Willis was a bit out of order. Personally I like Americans, all the yanks I've met have been nicer and more polite than 90% of Brits I've talked to. The US are getting stick purely because of how the US govn't and especially George Bush are portrayed in our media (a lot of it justified)
Bruce Willis is a big baby
by New Worldly Translation in.
what a retard, he obviously takes himself far too seriously -.
New Worldly Translation
What a retard, he obviously takes himself far too seriously -
Maggot Infested Brits to Teach the World a Lesson
by SixofNine in.
in a bid to prove the case for maggots conclusively, pauline raynor of the university of york is recruiting 600 patients across britain for the world?s biggest ever maggot trial.
New Worldly Translation
Cool. When you're all better you can go fishing too.
Why no long hair ?
by A Paduan in.
christendom has jesus with long hair - from the start i believe
so why no long hair - is it simply because of a literal reading of paul ?
New Worldly Translation
This answered any doubts I had -